Peperomia Ginny (Peperomia Clusiifolia ‘Ginny’): Ultimate Care Guide

Common Name(s)Peperomia Ginny, Peperomia Jelly, Red Edge Peperomia, Rainbow Peperomia, Peperomia Tricolor, Variegated Peperomia Ginny
Scientific NamePeperomia Clusiifolia ‘Ginny
Sun ExposureBright, Indirect Light
Soil pH6.0 to 7.8
Watering RequirementOnce every other week
Hardiness Zone10 – 12 (USDA)
Plant Height (approx.)6 – 12 in (15 – 30 cm)
Plant Width6 – 10 in (15 – 24 cm)

What is a Peperomia Ginny?

Peperomia ginny, also known as Red Edge Peperomia or Variegated Peperomia, is an evergreen epiphyte belonging to the family Piperaceae.

This plant is characterized by thick stems and large leaves with vibrant green, soft-white, and pink variegation.

Referred to as a “pantropical” plant, it is native to subtropical regions of Venezuela and the West Indies.

Is Peperomia Ginny a Good Indoor Plant?

The Peperomia Ginny is a great indoor houseplant. Peperomias are known for being low-maintenance, and the Ginny is no exception.

This plant is adaptable and highly tolerant, so even if your home conditions aren’t perfect, your Ginny will still be able to maintain its beautiful leaves.

Peperomia Ginny
Peperomia Ginny

Peperomia Ginny Care

Peperomia Ginny is extremely easy to care for. Due to the plant’s hardy nature, it can withstand more stress than other Peperomias, making it perfect for beginner and expert gardeners alike.

In addition, the plant’s succulent-like leaves allow it to retain water, meaning it will be able to survive if you forget to water it once or twice.

How Much Light Does My Peperomia Ginny Need?

Peperomia Ginny needs about 12 hours of indirect light per day.

Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this will cause leaf burn.

If you are growing it indoors, placing your peperomia on west-facing or east-facing windows with blinds is the best.

If you have a southern-facing window, ensure your plant is placed a safe distance away from it, as direct exposure to the afternoon sun will harm the plant.

If you choose to grow your peperomia outdoors, locations with filtered light or shade are ideal.

How Much Humidity Does My Peperomia Ginny Need?

During the summer, the Peperomia Ginny enjoys humidity levels of 75% or higher.

Unlike many other tropical plants, in the other seasons, it prefers an average level of humidity.

If your indoor environment is more dry than normal, misting the leaves once a week should be more than enough.

 Be careful not to excessively mist your plant, as it will become susceptible to fungal infections.

What Is The Ideal Soil Type & pH For Peperomia Ginny?

Peperomia Ginny prefers peat moss and perlite-based soil with a pH range between 6.0 – 6.6. However, they can effectively grow in soils up to a pH of 7.8.

Instead of peat or perlite, you can also work with organic manure, garden mulch, cacti mix, or any other nutrient-dense substrate that helps improve drainage.

As an epiphyte, the Ginny derives nutrients from dead leaves, bark, debris, and other organic material. In their natural environment, these plants have limited access to ground soil, so as long as the soil is well-drained and nutrient-rich, the plant will be happy.

Be careful to avoid soil with clay-based topsoil and garden soils though, as they don’t promote proper drainage. This can lead to severe root rot.

How Often Should I Water My Peperomia Ginny?

Under normal indoor conditions, a Peperomia Ginny needs water once every 1-2 weeks, or when you notice the top few inches of soil begin to dry.

Thanks to water-retaining stems and leaves, the plant is drought resistant. However, that doesn’t mean you should make a habit of underwatering it.

The best way to water a peperomia is to pour fresh water slowly into your pot, allowing it to soak. Stop once the water begins to leak out of your pot’s drainage holes, tipping the plant to remove any excess.

What Is The Best Temperature To Grow Peperomia Ginny?

Peperomia Ginny prefers temperatures that range from 60°F – 77° F ( (15.6°C – 26.7°C) for optimal growth.

As tropical plants, they are highly susceptible to cold temperatures. Anything below 60°F (15.6°C) can harm your Ginny.

Avoid placing this plant near any air conditioning vents, as a blast of cold air could be detrimental to its health.

What Hardiness Zone Is Best For Peperomia Ginny?

The Peperomia Ginny can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 10 to 12. Anyone living in these zones will be able to grow these houseplants outdoors.

However, while it can tolerate temperatures as low as 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit, Peperomia Ginny is not frost-resistant. If you live in an area with harsh winters, it is recommended to take your plant indoors.

How Much Fertilizer Should I Feed My Peperomia Ginny?

Peperomia Ginny grows well on its own, but feeding it a small amount of liquid fertilizer for indoor plants once each summer and spring will yield optimal growth.

Be careful not to overfertilize, as salt buildup from the solution could have a negative impact on your plant’s pH levels.

How Do I Propagate My Peperomia Ginny?

The easiest way to propagate a  Peperomia Ginny is via leaf cutting.

We recommend that you propagate it during spring or early summer, as this is the time when the plant is out of dormancy and is ready to grow.

Also, if your plant has multiple stems, you can propagate using stem cutting or root division.

When choosing a leaf or stem to use for propagation, be sure to pick a healthy-looking leaf with a decent stem length.

Using a clean pair of scissors, carefully remove the leaf/stem. After allowing the petiole to dry out, it will be ready to be planted. This helps prevent pathogens from invading the exposed tissue you’re trying to propagate.

The final step is covering your cuttings with acetate or clear plastic in order to lock in as much moisture as possible.

If you’d like to speed up the process, you can dip the tip of the cutting in a rooting hormone before planting it in the soil. Roots will form faster if the conditions are optimal, so refer to this guide on how to create the perfect environment for your Ginny.

After about 6 weeks, roots should begin to form. Enjoy your new Peperomia Ginny!

Do Peperomia Ginny Bloom?

Once it reaches maturity, the Peperomia Ginny produces scentless, miniature flowers with thin, spiky stalks. These stalks may grow from the tip of the stem or a leaf joint.

While blooming can occur year-round, it is most common during the growing season.

Avoid overhead watering to keep the flowers from rotting while they’re alive.

Peperomia Ginny Size & Growth Rate

Peperomia Ginny can grow to heights from 6 – 12 in (15 – 30 cm) and widths from 6 – 10 in (15 – 24 cm).

Common Problems & How To Solve Them

Drooping leaves

Droopy leaves are caused as a result of overwatering, underwatering, low humidity, or excessive direct sunlight. However, if the plant is outdoors, pest infestation could be the culprit as well.

In order to identify the source of your issue, you will need to examine each of the possibilities.

While underwatering will likely result in curling leaves before they droop, it is very common and should be disqualified before moving forward.

If you notice your Ginny may be getting too much direct light, try moving it toward a shaded east or west-facing window.

If your environment is dry, misting your peperomia once every other week may aid in creating the proper growing conditions.

If you believe pests are the cause of your issue, removing infested leaves, using insecticidal soap, applying neem oil, or cleaning the plant are all possible solutions, depending on which pest you’re dealing with.

Leaves curling

Peperomia leaves curl in response to dehydration. By curling their leaves, the peperomia is attempting to reduce transpiration, preventing further water loss.

 While the most common cause of dehydration is underwatering, excess watering, low humidity, high temperatures, over-fertilization, and root rot can also cause leaves to curl.

Curling leaves is usually one of the first warnings of a potentially greater issue. If you notice this occurring with your Peperomia, it may be time to reevaluate the conditions it is growing in, before you have to deal with bigger problems like fungal infections or disease.

Brown spots

Brown spots occur due to your plant’s inability to dry out, which constricts the amount of oxygen the plant takes in.

This often leads to diseases like Ringspot, which is caused by overwatering. Other causes of brown spots on Peperomia leaves can be due to environmental stress, insect infestation, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies.

If you find brown spots on your Ginny, remove them immediately. Give your plant time to dry out and ensure you’re only watering as needed. If the top of the soil feels moist to the touch, you don’t need to add any more water.

Root Rot

Root Rot occurs when the soil becomes waterlogged and mold begins to appear. This causes the roots to progressively decay, which will kill your Peperomia if not treated.

Root Rot in Peperomia can be identified by leaf discoloration, wilting, and mushy roots.

While many plant owners may attempt to dispose of a plant with Root Rot, your Peperonia can be salvaged if you catch it before the damage becomes too severe.

First, purchase new potting soil and a clean pot for your Peperomia.

Next, remove the Peperomia from the pot so you can clear away the infected soil.

Once you identify the decaying roots (they will be brown and mushy), remove them, and wash the healthy roots. After allowing a short amount of time to dry, transfer your Ginny into a new pot with fresh soil.

Fading Leaves

If you notice the pink hues of your Peperomia are beginning to fade, this may be due to excess sun exposure. The foliage is extremely light-sensitive and will lose its color if the leaves are burnt in the slightest.


While you never want a plant to reach the point of dying, the most important thing is to understand the root cause, and how to remedy it.

If your Peperomia has squishy, soft leaves and stems, or even worse,  black leaves and stems, and the soil is wet to the touch,  it is likely that you’ve overwatered your plant.

On the other hand, you may have underwatered your plant. Dry soil and drooping leaves can be telltale signs that your plant needs more water.

Another possible cause of death is an inappropriate amount of light for your plant. If you notice the stems of your Peperomia elongating and moving towards the light, you need to move it into an area with a higher light level.

Inversely, burnt and curling leaves are likely signs that your plant is receiving too much light. Try moving it into an area with filtered light, like an east or west-facing window with blinds.

While unlikely, it is also possible that your Ginny is dying due to insufficient nutrients.

If it has been in the same soil for multiple years without repotting, it is possible that your plant may have used up all available nutrients in the soil, and thus requires plant food, fertilizer, or repotting in order to continue to thrive.

Is Peperomia Ginny Toxic to Children & Pets?

Peperomia Ginny is non-toxic to children and pets.

In addition to being low-maintenance, this plant is not harmful to children or small animals in any way. This makes it a great addition to any room, as you can insert some safe, colorful greenery into your common areas.

However, we wouldn’t recommend letting children or pets snack on your beautiful Peperomia Ginny!

Where can I find Peperomia Ginny for sale?

You can find plenty of Peperomia Ginny for sale from multiple sources online via Etsy. If you prefer purchasing from an official store, several major retailers sell peperomia, including Walmart, Target, and various plant shops.

Peperomia Ginny is very affordable, with smaller plants ranging from $10-25, while fully mature, larger plants range from $30-45.

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