Common Name | String of Turtles, Turtle Vine, Jade Necklace |
Scientific Name | Peperomia Prostrata |
Origin | Ecuador |
Temperature | 68°F – 75°F |
pH | neutral to acidic |
String of Turtles Facts
- String of Turtles Plant is very popular due to its little succulent leaves that resemble tiny turtle shells.
- String of Turtles Plant does flower, but the flowers have no fragrance. Unlike other plants, the flowers on a String of Turtles Plants are not typically wanted, and even picked off the plant so that it has the energy to grow more leaves and vines.
- String of Turtles Plants used to be considered rare plants, but due to their popularity, they are found much more often for sale in nurseries and online.
- String of Turtles Plants are not difficult to propagate, and a simple 2” cutting placed in well-aerated soil will get the job done.
String of Turtles is a delightful little plant that is most commonly identified by its leaf shape that resembles a little turtle shell. Some of its popular common names also refer to its shape, and it is often called Jade Necklace because it also resembles little pieces of jade strung on a line. The String of Turtles Plant is a favorite for aquariums, terrariums, and fairy gardens.
String of Turtles is a beautiful vining plant with succulent leaves that boasts beautiful dark green foliage with white lines through the leaves.
Where Does String of Turtles Grow In the Wild?
String of Turtles can be found in the wild in the rainforests of South America. They thrive in the moist, humid environments of the Brazilian Rainforest. Once thought to be rare, they are cultivated now in many nurseries or from sellers online due to their popularity.
Is String of Turtles a Rare Plant?
String of Turtles is a rare plant in the sense that there are not many plants that are both tropical and succulent. They used to be a rare plant to find for sale, but their popularity has made them a fairly common sight for sale at nurseries. If you are looking to purchase a String of Turtles plant for yourself, you can expect to pay depending on their size. A larger plant with more leaves and vines will cost you more than a smaller one.
Is String of Turtles a Good Indoor Plant?
String of Turtles is a great indoor plant, especially for beginners to the hobby. String of Turtles can handle direct or indirect lighting. Increasing the lighting will help the plant grow lush. Since they are a type of succulent, they store water in their leaves, so they can wait a little while in between waterings without issue.
String of Turtles Care
String of Turtles is not a plant that is difficult to care for, and they are even good for beginners due to their forgiving nature. They can thrive in a wide range of temperatures, lighting, and even watering. The most important thing to consider for your String of Turtles Plant is the lighting. They do not like being kept in direct sunlight. Instead, they favor only direct sunlight for up to 3 hours a day. If they are in sunlight too long, you will see their leaves begin to lose their color.
Where Should I Place My String of Turtles Plant?
String of Turtles do the best when kept in the window where they will get roughly around 2 to 3 hours of direct lighting, but not the full day of sunlight. Keeping them in direct sunlight for too long will damage their leaves, and you will be able to visibly see the plant suffering and doing poorly. String of Turtles is a popular plant to be kept indoors and outdoors, it can be kept in your house, or in a fairy garden.
Light Requirement
String of Turtles does the best when kept in indirect sunlight. They are hardy plants and can handle direct sunlight for a few hours a day, but too much direct sunlight will cause damage to their leaves. It is best to keep them somewhere where they can get shade and sun.
Soil Type and pH
String of Turtles do best when kept in loose soil that is well aerated. You can mix the soil with sphagnum moss, organic sand, and perlite. String of Turtles plants are susceptible to root rot if their roots are not getting proper aeration. They prefer neutral to acidic soil.
Watering and Humidity
String of Turtles are susceptible to root rot if they are not getting the proper aeration, or they are being overwatered. They do best when watered infrequently, and kept at around 50% humidity.
String of Turtles Plants do best when kept at a temperature range of 68F – 75F, though they are slightly forgiving and hardy enough to survive if something happens and their temperature changes.
Hardiness Zone
String of Turtles hardiness zone is 10-12 in the USA. This zone is where the plant grows the best, and in the right conditions.
If you are planning on using fertilizer in your String of Turtles Plant, you will want to use a slow-release fertilizer, and fertilize every 2 to 3 weeks. By fertilizing your String of Turtles plant regularly, you will see them reach their full-color potential, although it isn’t really required as they will live and thrive in basic soil.
String of Turtles Propagation
Propagating String of Turtles plant is relatively easy. You simply take a cutting from the plant that is roughly 2 to 3 inches in length and place the cutting in well-aerated soil. Place the cutting in bright light for only a few hours a day, and maintain it at a constant temperature of around 68F.
String of Turtles Flower
Healthy String of Turtles Plants, if kept in the appropriate conditions will eventually flower. The flowers on a String of Turtles plant are not fragrant, nor are they particularly beautiful. It is not for this reason that they are kept. Most owners of String of Turtles will pick off the flowers as they appear before they even bloom.
The little flowers actually cause the plant to use up a lot of the plant’s energy for growth. If you take off the little buds before they bloom, you are saving your String of Turtles plant from wasting its energy on the flowers, and instead, it devotes this energy to the production of its vines and leaves.
Do String of Turtles Flower?
If you are keeping your String of Turtles Plant in the correct conditions, then they will flower. Once they flower, they will continue to flower all year round. The flowers that bloom are tiny and white, and they add to the beauty of the plant.
What Does String of Turtles Flower Look Like?
When String of Turtles flower, the flowers are tiny and white. They are not particularly impressive, nor are they usually the reason for the purchase of this plant. They do not have a fragrance. They are more like an added bonus to the beauty of the plant, but some people pick them off so that their plant does not waste its energy on the flower, but on growing leaves and vines instead.
Should I Let String of Turtles Flower?
If your plant is being cared for properly, it may flower. It’s ok to let it flower, but keep in mind that the flowers will take away from the plant’s energy. By removing the tiny, white flowers, you are helping the plant dedicate more of its energy to growing its beautiful vines.
Size and Growth Rate
String of Turtles can grow up to 12 inches tall which is usually achieved around their 3rd to 5th year. Ultimately, their maximum growth depends on how they are kept. If given a pot large enough to grow in, and appropriate lighting, you will be able to see your String of Turtles Plant reach its maximum potential.
String of Turtles Problems, Diseases, and Pests
String of Turtles is a hardy plant, but even though it is hardy, it can still do poorly. If your String of Turtles Plant is not kept under the right conditions, you can tell simply by looking at it. If you suspect that your String of Turtles Plant isn’t doing well, you should first take a look at how your plant is being kept. Too much watering will cause root rot, and you will be able to see your plant visibly wilting. Too much direct sunlight will damage the plant’s sensitive leaves.
There are pests that can affect String of Turtles Plants too. They can be infested with white flies, spider mites, and mealy bugs. You will be able to visibly see your plant has an infestation.
Why is My String of Turtles Turning Yellow?
If your String of Turtles plant is turning yellow, this means that you are over-watering it. Overwatering can also turn into root rot, so it is important to not overwater your plant. It is also important to make sure they are kept in the correct soil with proper aeration.
Why is My String of Turtles Leaves Pale?
If you notice that your String of Turtles Plant is turning pale, that means that it isn’t getting what it needs out of the soil that it is planted in. Try giving it more direct sunlight, and using plant fertilizer to perk it up.
Why is My String of Turtles Dropping Leaves?
If your String of Turtles plant is dropping leaves, it could mean that you are overwatering your plant, or that it is too cold. String of Turtles Plant is hardy, but it will not tolerate cold temperatures very well.
Where Can I Find String of Turtles for Sale?
If you are looking to purchase a String of Turtles plant for yourself, you can find them for sale online, or at nurseries. The price of the plant for sale is largely dependent on the size of the plant. The larger and more full the plant is, the more it will cost. A 2-inch plant can cost around $13 USD. A fully grown plant can cost over $100.
Are String of Turtles Toxic?
String of Turtles Plants are not toxic to humans or animals, so they are safe to keep in your home or garden.
Are String of Turtles Toxic to Humans?
String of Turtles Plants are not toxic to humans.
Are String of Turtles Toxic to Cats?
String of Turtles Plants are not toxic to cats.
Are String of Turtles Toxic to Dogs?
String of Turtles Plants are not toxic to dogs.
String of Turtles vs String of Hearts
String of Hearts, like String of Turtles Plants, are both nontoxic to humans and animals. They even share many of the same requirements for care. The main difference between the two plants is the shape of their leaves and their colorations. String of Hearts Plants have long trailing vines with heart-shaped leaves attached to them, whereas the String of Turtles plant has little turtle shell leaves. String of Turtles tends to grow a little longer than String of Hearts, but both are beautiful Plants to keep in your home.
String of Turtles vs String of Pearls
Unlike String of Turtles which is safe to keep around your home without worry, String of Pearls is toxic to humans and animals. String of Pearls is also different in the way that it looks. The leaves on a String of Pearls Plant resemble a bunch of pearls strung on the vine.