Hoya Rotundiflora: Ultimate Care Guide

Common Name(s)Porcelain Flower Plant, Wax Plant, Wax Vine
Scientific NameHoya Rotundiflora
Sun ExposureBright, Indirect Light
Soil pH6.1-7.5
Watering RequirementOnce a week (Summer and Spring) Once every two weeks (Fall and Winter)
Hardiness Zone10a (USDA)
Plant Height12-20 ft under ideal conditions, but most indoor plants will rarely exceed 2-3 ft
Region of OriginSoutheast Asia (Thailand)

Hoya rotundiflora is a vining epiphyte commonly found in Southeast Asia, specifically Thailand and Myanmar.

It is mostly known for its fleshy, square-shaped leaves, which add a beautifully unique touch to any home or garden.

The leaves of this plant have a glossy, plastic-like appearance, which are the main reason behind the nickname “Wax Plant.” 

These slow-growing climbers can reach heights of up to 15-20ft under expert care and perfect conditions, however, most indoor plants will only grow to be a few feet tall at most.

Like many other plants in the Hoya family, Hoya Rotundiflora is extremely low-maintenance, making it perfect for both beginner and experienced plant parents.

Hoya Rotundiflora
Hoya Rotundiflora

Hoya Rotundiflora Care (Light, Soil Type, & More)

Hoya Rotundiflora thrives in bright, filtered or indirect sunlight.

As the natural habitat of the Hoya Rotundiflora is beneath the canopies of Southeast Asian rainforests, it is most comfortable with filtered or indirect light.

While it can withstand up to six hours of direct sunlight, this is not reccomended, as sun-stressing this plant will likely scorch the leaves or cause them to turn yellow.

During the warmer summer months, it is especially recommended to avoid direct light.

The best position for your Hoya Rotundiflora is near an east-facing window with blinds or a curtain, as this will allow it to receive the less harsh morning light, while avoiding the intense afternoon rays of the sun.

What Is The Best Soil Type & pH For Hoya Rotundiflora?

Hoya Rotundiflora prefer slightly acidic or neutral soil with a pH range between 6.1 and 7.5

It is important to use a mixture that can effectively hold moisture, while being highly breathable.

In the plant’s natural habitat it gathers nutrients and water from the air, which is why it prefers loose, chunky soil with an adequate level of airflow.

While a basic houseplant mix will work, a combination of equal parts peat, perlite, and orchid mix will yield the best growth results.

If neither of the previously mentioned options are available, a cactus or succulent mix is effective as well.

How Much Water Does Hoya Rotundiflora Need?

During the warmer summer months you should water your Hoya once a week or until the top 4 inches of soil are dry, while during winter you should only water it every two weeks.

Due to the succulent-like leaves on the Hoya Rotundiflora, it can hold large amounts of water for later use, meaning it will be able to survive even if you forget to water it every so often.

This does not function in the reverse though, if you overwater your Hoya, it can become susceptible to root rot.

Aside from observing the top 4 inches of the Hoya’s soil, another method to check if your Hoya needs water is by looking at the leaves.

Waxy, succulent leaves are an indicator that it does not need to be watered yet.

If you notice weak, squishy, or wilting leaves, it is time to water your Hoya Rotundiflora.

What Is The Ideal Humidity Level For Hoya Rotundiflora?

The Hoya Rotundiflora prefers humidity levels between 50-70%.

While the plant can survive in humidity levels as low as 40%, this should be avoided if possible.

Optimal growth will be experienced in the 60-70% humidity range.

If your home or outdoor environment does not have a sufficient humidity level for your Hoya, there are a few different options for increasing available moisture in the air.

We recommend using a digital hygrometer, as it makes measuring the humidity of your Hoya’s environment extremely easy.

If you notice levels are below 40%, introducing a humidifier to the room, occasionally misting, or placing a pebble tray beneath your Hoya are all effective solutions.

Hoya Rotundiflora

What Is The Best Temperature For Hoya Rotundiflora?

Hoya Rotundiflora experiences ideal growth in temperatures between 65-95 degrees Fahrenheit.

While the plant can survive in temperatures as low as 60 degrees Fahrenheit, the best results will be experienced within the optimal temperature range.

As it hails from a tropical  habitat with absolutely no snow, this plant is not cold-resistant, and should not be placed outside in any location that experiences frigid temperatures.

If it is forced to endure cold temperatures for an extended period of time, growth will halt, and the plant will eventually die, which is why it must be kept in a location that is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which Hardiness Zones Can Hoya Rotundiflora Grow In?

Hoya Rotundiflora grow best in USDA Hardiness Zone 10a.

This plant requires warm temperatures and high humidity, similar to the rainforests it originates from.

If you live outside of this zone, growing your Hoya indoors is best, as it will allow you to create an environment with optimal growing conditions.

Hoya Rotundiflora Fertilization Requirement

Hoya Rotundiflora benefit most from a balanced, water soluble, 20-20-20 fertilizer.

If your Hoya is struggling to produce enough foliage, or the leaves fail to reach full size,  a 2-1-2 or 3-1-2 fertilizer mixture is recommended.

During the blooming season Hoya Rotundiflora prefers fertilizers that are rich in potassium and nitrogen.

While they are able to flower using only the nutrients available in the soil, a fertilizer providing your Hoya Rotundiflora with these essential nutrients will ensure healthy, fragrant, and beautiful flowers.

Hoya Rotundiflora Propagation

Hoya Rotundiflora can be propagated via stem cuttings in either water or soil.

Before you begin, all of your equipment needs to be sterilized.

This will prevent any contamination during the propogation process.

Next, locate a young vine with few or no leaves, taking note of the location of any spurs, as it is important to avoid accidentally damaging them during stem removal.

Locate the last node (where leaves begin to grow) of the leaf, carefully cutting 3-6 inches of the stem from that area.

Place the cutting on a paper towel or in moderate sunlight until it forms a callus.

The next step is optional, but adding a small amount of rooting hormone can contribute to increased chances of success.

Depending on which method you chose, this is where the instructions begin to differ.

Water Propagation

  • Place the node(s) in water, keeping them submerged for the duration of the propagation process.
  • Change the water at least once a week to prevent any contamination or disease.
  • After about a month, root development should become visible.
  • After about 2 months, the cuttings will have developed a functional root system, at which point you can transfer them into soil or a water vase.

Soil Propagation

This method, while less popular, is substantially easier than water propagation because perlite is sterile and provides increased airflow for the stem and roots.

While other soils can be used, perlite is the most effective for propagation.

  • Plant the cutting(s) approximately 3 inches deep in moist soil.
  • Place the plant in a warm area with bright, filtered light such as an east-facing window.
  • If you notice the soil is beginning to become dry, a light  misting will help to maintain proper moisture levels.
  • After roughly 3-4 weeks, you will begin to notice roots developing.
  • About two weeks after the roots begin developing, baby shoots will begin to grow as well, marking a successful propagation attempt.
  • Young plants grow quickly, so be sure to monitor your Rotundiflora cuttings for signs that they need repotting.

What Are Common Pests & Problems For Hoya Rotundiflora?

Hoya Rotundiflora are susceptible to sap-eating insects, root rot as a result of overwatering, and fungal infections if not properly cared for.

The majority of the issues a Hoya Rotundiflora owner may experience can be avoided by frequently checking for pests and following a consistent care regiment.

However, even with the most attentive owner, there is no way to guarantee your Hoya will be disease/pest-free.

Here are some of the most common problems Rotundiflora owners experience, and how to solve them:


It can be difficult to find the right moisture level for your Hoya Rotundiflora at first, however, minimizing excess water in the plant’s soil will help shield it from the harmful effects of root rot.

Rotundiflora plants prefer a dry substrate, so if you are unsure if the plant needs more water, it is better to wait an extra day as opposed to overwatering it and potentially suffocating your Hoya’s roots.

Common indicators of too much water in your Hoya’s substrate are yellowing or browning leaves, a weakened stem, and a strong, unpleasant smell emanating from the soil.

Because little can be done to reverse the effects of root rot, preventative action is the best solution.

Do not water your Hoya Rotundiflora more than once a week during the warmer seasons and no more than once every two weeks during winter.


Aphids are a common issue for many plants, because aside from feeding on your plant, they also have a tendency to leave behind a sticky residue that attracts both ants and fungus.

Fortunately, aphids can be removed quickly, as the easiest solution is to remove the infested portion of your plant.

Neem oil also works as a preemptive measure, as it repels many types of insects that can harm your Hoya.

Spider Mites

Spider mites enjoy warm temperatures and dusty leaves, which is why monitoring and caring for your Hoya is crucial.

Female spider mites are capable of laying 100 eggs over the course of 2-3 weeks, meaning one pesky little bug can quickly transform into a life-threatening infestation for your Hoya.

While they are extremely difficult to spot with the naked eye, look for tiny white dots on the underside of your Hoya’s leaves.

Spider mites are able to infest other healthy plants extremeley quickly, making pruning the infected areas a top priority.

Insecticides or insecticidal soap are highly effective in removing spider mite eggs from beneath your Hoya’s leaves.


Thrips are flying insects that feed on plants in large groups.

These pests are not common indoors, but they pose a great risk if you are growing your Hoya outdoors

The best way to determine if your plant has infected by thrips is by shaking the plant while holding it from the base of the pot.

If your Hoya is infested, you will notice a large amount of insects flying away from the plant.

In addition to insecticides and neem oil as a preventative measure, removing any weeds near your plants and moving all healthy plants away from the affected plant are effective ways to combat a thrip infestation.

Do Hoya Rotundiflora Flower?

Similar to many other Hoyas, Hoya Rotundiflora produces fragrant flowers in star-shaped clusters.

Each flower is white with a light yellow center.

Hoya Rotundiflora blooms during the warm spring and summer months, with the flowers taking 2-3 days to fully develop.

The flowers grow in clusters of up to 15, with each being about 15 cm once fully grown.

Like other Hoyas, the Rotundiflora blooms grow from spurs, the dedicated flowering structure of the plant.

Spurs can be found on the leaves and stems of the plant, thus, it is very important to avoid damaging your Hoya’s spurs when caring for the plant.

The heavy, sweet scent of this plant’s flowers can be best enjoyed in the early evening.

Is Hoya Rotundiflora Toxic To Children And Pets?

Belonging to the “Apocynaceae” family, Hoya Rotundiflora contains a toxic white sap that irritates skin on contact, and can be especially hazardous if ingested.

Keep this plant out of reach of any curious pets or children.

Where Can I Find Hoya Rotundiflora For Sale?

Hoya Rotundiflora can be purchased online from a nursery’s website or via peer-to-peer selling platforms such as ebay or etsy.

Prices vary depending on the size of the Hoya Rotundiflora, however most starter plants are within the $15-45 range.

Larger and more developed Rotundiflora plants are priced anywhere between $60-100 depending on the seller.

Due to the fact that the price of the plant is often set by the seller, we recommend checking multiple sources in order to get the best deal.

Before ordering online, check in with your local nursery, as purchasing a plant in-person is often more affordable and also allows you to check for any issues the plant may have.

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