Common Name(s) | Porcelain Flower Hoya waxflower, waxplant, and waxvine. |
Scientific Name | Hoya Nummularioides |
Sun Exposure | Bright filtered or indirect sunlight. |
Soil pH | 6.1-7.5 |
Watering Requirement | When the top 2 inches are dry during the growing season |
Hardiness Zone | USDA 10 |
Plant Height | 10 feet long |
Plant Width | N/A |
Hoya Nummularioides is a plant native to Thailand, Cambodia, and tropical Asia, where they enjoy a humid environment. They are a vine that grows as close to its light source as It possibly can. Because of their tailing growing habit, Hoya Nummularioides is a great plant to train to grow in supports like a small trellis or have in a hanging basket.
Hoya Nummularioides is an epiphyte, which means they grow on other plants. In their native habitat, this helps them gain nutrients and be closer to the sunlight they need to be happy thriving plants.
The leaves of Hoya Nummularioides are waxy and thick. When you touch them you will notice that they have a fuzzy texture to them. They are bright grass green leaves that are shaped like broad ovals with a point on the end.
Because of its unique and fragrant flower, another name for Hoya Nummularioides is Porcelain Flower Hoya. Other common names for Hoya Nummularioides are waxflower, waxplant, and waxvine.

Hoya Nummularioides Care
Once a suitable substrate and household location are established, Hoya Nummularioides is pretty easy to care for and doesn’t require time consuming maintenance.
Light Requirement
Bright indirect or bright filtered sunlight is what Hoya Nummularioides needs. Some valuable tips for making sure your Hoya Nummularioides gets just the right light is to place it by an east or west facing window or try hanging it near a south facing window that is shaded by a tree, this will best emulate its natural growing habitat. Two hours of bright sunlight in the morning and evening is adequate.
Soil Type and pH Requirement
Chunky soil with a substantial amount of peat and perlite mixed in is perfect for Hoya Nummularioides. You can also use a commercial orchid mix for your Hoya Nummularioides. They like a slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.1-7.5.
Watering and Humidity Requirement
Different watering amounts are required depending on the stage your Hoya Nummularioides is in. When it is growing season Hoya Nummularioides require water when the top two inches of soil are dry. In the winter you can pull back on your watering schedule and water about once every other week.
Hoya Nummularioides like to have a lot of humidity and enjoy levels of fifty to seventy five percent.
Temperature Requirement
Do not allow your Hoya Nummularioides to be in temperatures lower than sixty five degrees Fahrenheit. They enjoy temperatures up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Hardiness Zone
The best hardiness zone for Hoya Nummularioides is USDA 10.
Fertilization Requirement
Use a liquid fertilizer and feed your Hoya Nummularioides once a month when it is growing. This will be in the spring and summer. Stop fertilizing in the winter.
Hoya Nummularioides Propagation
Stem cutting is the easiest way to propagate Hoya Nummularioides. You’ll need a sharp sterilized cutting tool, potting mix, perlite, a terracotta pot with a drain hole, a humidifier, and liquid plant food.
Start by taking a healthy cutting about three to six inches long. Be sure there are nodes on the stem as well as a few leaves. Place the cutting in water with nodes submerged but not the leaves. Place the container your cutting is in near a window with indirect bright sunlight. Change the water weekly. In about three to five-week, the nodes should have roots pop out of them. Plant your Hoya Nummularioides cutting in soil when the new roots are one to two inches long.
You can also plant Hoya Nummularioides cuttings right in the soil if you have put a rooting medium on the cut portion as well as the lower nodes. Watch your cuttings for signs of shock.
Hoya Nummularioides can also be propagated by seed.
Size & Growth Rate
The growth rate of Hoya Nummularioides is average. After two to four years of maturity, it can reach up to three meters in length with proper care and environment.
New branches of your Hoya Nummularioides may sprout and start to grow without leaves. They are looking for adequate light and will start growing leaves shortly after sprouting. This is not something to worry about.
Hoya Nummularioides Problems
There are various potential problems you may encounter when growing Hoya Nummularioides. These problems may include dropping leaves, root rot, leafless vine, and aphids.
Dropping leaves
Dropping leaves is an indication your Hoya Nummularioides is struggling with water. There is either too much or not enough. If your plant is dry try watering more regularly. If your Hoya Nummularioides is soaked, back off and let it dry out a bit.
Root Rot
Root rot is caused by over watering or letting your Hoya Nummularioides sit in water. Make sure your soil is well draining, always pour out saucers meant to catch excess water under your plants, and stick watering your plant only when the top two inches of soil are dry.
Leafless Vine
Sometimes a Hoya Nummularioides will send out a leafless trailing vine. This means it’s searching for light and once it has been established leaves will start to grow.
Some of the signs your Hoya Nummularioides has been invaded by aphids are yellow leaves curling at the edges, swollen and pulpy stem, and deformed flowers.
Aphids can be red green or black, they’re insects with a sharp mouth that suck the cell sap out of the Hoya Nummularioides. This drains energy and vital life fluid from the plant.
To eliminate them, give your Hoya Nummularioides a shower to remove most of the aphids, then search out any stragglers and remove them by hand.
If the problem persists, introduce natural aphid enemies, ladybugs.
Hoya Nummularioides Flower
Hoya Nummularioides produces a small white flower that grows in an umbel fashion. They can have pink, red, or yellow centers or a combination of colors and each tiny flower is star shaped. They bloom in Spring and sometimes Fall. Be sure to fertilize appropriately to see blooms more than once a year.
Hoya Nummularioides flowers smell heavenly, but beware that the scent is quite strong and can be overwhelming for some.
Is Hoya Nummularioides Pet Safe?
In general Hoya, and Nummularioides are not toxic for pets, but the flower scent is very strong and it can be irritating for cats and dogs.
Where can I find Hoya Nummularioides for sale?
Hoya Nummularioides can be purchased in local nurseries, however, hunting them down could be quite tedious. Try an online plant delivery business for more convenience, be sure to check shipping methods as some shippers are not careful and plants are damaged in transit. This is sometimes not covered by the plant nursery and could be a loss for you.
Hoya Nummularioides Price
You can purchase a Hoya Nummularioides for eight to fifty USD, depending on size and the company you buy your plant from.
Hoya Nummularioides Varieties
Much to the delight of Hoya Nummularioides lovers and plant lovers in general, Hoya Nummularioides come in different varieties. Although they all have similar care there may be a few differences to pay attention to. Also, the flower and foliage can be different when comparing Hoya Nummularioides varieties. This keeps the plant collections interesting and delightful.
Hoya Nummularioides Red
This plant is harder to come by than other Hoya Nummularioides but is well worth it to own. The leaves are glossy and it is a trailing plant. The flowers are a bright lipstick red with a pale center and a vibrant yellow middle.
Hoya Nummularioides Yellow
The flower for this Hoya Nummularioides is white with a yellow center. Like most Hoya Nummularioides they require 6-8 hours of light to flower.
Hoya Nummularioides Pink Corona
The flowers of Hoya Nummularioides Pink Corona are white and star shaped. They have pink middles with a bright yellow center.
Hoya Nummularioides Yellow Corona
Hoya Nummularioides Yellow Corona has stark white flowers with a small yellow center and tiny pink dots that circle the yellow center.
Hoya Nummularioides Constantin
When they bloom Hoya Nummularioides Constantin has white flowers with a deeper pinky red center. They bloom twice a year.
Hoya Nummularioides vs Hoya Pubera
Hoya Nummularioides and Hoya Pubera look very similar to each other. They each have small leaves that grow on a tailing vine. They produce similar flowers. The level of care for Hoya Nummularioides and Hoya Pubera is very close. However, Hoya Pubera likes to be watered more frequently than Hoya Nummularioides.
Hoya Pubera is a Greek word that means “keep dogs away”, it was named this because it was used to protect fields from dogs since it emits a toxin.
The leaves of Hoya Pubera are smooth, they do not have fuzz like Hoya Nummularioides. Its leaves are not poisonous.
The growing substrate Hoya Pubera prefers is made up of organic mater such as sphagnum moss and orchid bark.