When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, but what if you have got a lemon that you have never seen before? Even people who have been cooking or gardening for a long time don’t realize that...
Silver Torch Cactus (Cleistocactus strausii): Ultimate Care Guide
The Silver Torch Cactus is a distinctive-looking cactus. It has a white woolly outside because of its fine spikes that cover the entire stem. The base of the Silver Torch Cactus is very erect and is...
Pink Lady Peperomia (Peperomia Marmorata ‘Pink Lady’): Ultimate Guide
Pink Lady Peperomia is a tropical mounding plant that is native to Central and South America and is also found in the Caribbean. Fleshy stems, heart-shaped, characterize the Pink Lady Peperomia,...
A Peacock fern is surprisingly not a fern. Some of its other common names include peacock moss, rainbow moss, spike moss, and more. However, it is not a moss either. The peacock fern belongs to a...
Asparagus Macowanii, more commonly known as Ming Fern, is an herbaceous perennial member of the Asparagus fern family. It has a green, needle-like appearance and a spiny stem, which can be painful if...
The Michigan Lily is an exquisite and beautiful flower that can add a splash of colour to your garden, but don’t let the name confuse you- Michigan Lilies are native to Ontario. The beautiful...